By Craig Williams The modern online adversary is out to make money, not simply hack networks for the fun of it. In the Cisco 2015 Midyear Security Report , there’s yet more evidence that criminals are using tools with ever-increasing sophistication to steal valuable personal or financial data and sell it, coerce users into paying ransoms for their own data, and generally reap financial rewards for their exploits. The Angler exploit kit continues to lead the market in terms of sophistication and effectiveness. As explained in the Cisco []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Craig Williams The modern online adversary is out to make money, not simply hack networks for the fun of it. In the Cisco 2015 Midyear Security Report , there’s yet more evidence that criminals are using tools with ever-increasing sophistication to steal valuable personal or financial data and sell it, coerce users into paying ransoms for their own data, and generally reap financial rewards for their exploits. The Angler exploit kit continues to lead the market in terms of sophistication and effectiveness. As explained in the Cisco []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Fortinet Launches Cyber Threat Assessment Program to Uncover Critical Security Risks Other Solutions Are Missing

Source:: Fortinet

Fortinet Launches Cyber Threat Assessment Program to Uncover Critical Security Risks Other Solutions Are Missing

Source:: Fortinet

By John Stewart Our 2015 Midyear Security Report (MSR) is out this week, and it’s been a bumpy year when you consider the innovative, resilient, and evasive nature of the global cyber attacks we’ve seen in recent months. Our team continues to see adversaries who rapidly refine their ability to develop and deploy malware that evades detection. It is sobering to note that our MSR confirms that the security industry is just not keeping pace with the attackers. The MSR is our follow-up to the Cisco Annual Security Report (ASR), which we []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By John Stewart Our 2015 Midyear Security Report (MSR) is out this week, and it’s been a bumpy year when you consider the innovative, resilient, and evasive nature of the global cyber attacks we’ve seen in recent months. Our team continues to see adversaries who rapidly refine their ability to develop and deploy malware that evades detection. It is sobering to note that our MSR confirms that the security industry is just not keeping pace with the attackers. The MSR is our follow-up to the Cisco Annual Security Report (ASR), which we []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Heute geht es um das Thema schnurlose Telefonie im Business-Umfeld. Wir zeigen die Unterschiede zwischen den Lösungen von Innovaphone und Gigaset Pro.


By Anthony Grieco This week, Cisco provided comments on the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) proposed cybersecurity regulations. These comments reflect the realities of how Cisco looks to protect both our customers and our products. They also emphasize the critical role that security researches, access to tools, and qualified talent have in cybersecurity. Cisco has hundreds of dedicated security engineers and researchers throughout the company and around the globe, who use the latest and greatest tools and techniques to test []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Anthony Grieco This week, Cisco provided comments on the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) proposed cybersecurity regulations. These comments reflect the realities of how Cisco looks to protect both our customers and our products. They also emphasize the critical role that security researches, access to tools, and qualified talent have in cybersecurity. Cisco has hundreds of dedicated security engineers and researchers throughout the company and around the globe, who use the latest and greatest tools and techniques to test []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Neuer Fortinet Network Security Expert bei Oberberg-Online.

Oberberg-Online verstärkt sein Engagement im Bereich Netzwerk-Sicherheit und gratuliert dem frisch zertifizierten Network Security Experten Dennis Eilbrecht zur bestandenen Prüfung.

Sicherheit im Netzwerk ist ein komplexes und permanentes Thema

Eine Firewall an der Netzwerk-Außengrenze ist heute im Regelfall in allen Unternehmen etabliert. Ebenso weit verbreitet sind Anti-Viren-Programme auf den Rechnern der Mitarbeiter. Diese Mindeststandards sind wichtig, aber oftmals bei aktuellen Bedrohungsszenarien nicht wirksam. So arbeitet die klassische Firewall i.d.R. Port-basiert und erlaubt normalerweise Datenverkehr über den Webbrowser (Port 80 oder Port 443). Problematisch hierbei ist, dass heute viele Bedrohungen im Rahmen von Web-Anwendungen – also über die genannten Ports – auf das Unternehmen treffen. Hier setzt unsere Next Generation Firewall Lösung an und ermöglicht die Applikationskontrolle im Webbrowser, um so Bedrohungen abzuwenden.

Der Angreifer kommt nicht immer von draußen

Sensible Daten im Unternehmen sind möglicherweise gegen externe Zugriffe gesichert, aber was wäre, wenn der Angreifer aus dem eigenen Netz operiert? Sei es durch einen kompromittierten Rechner oder „Social Hacking“, häufig erfolgen unauthorisierte Zugriffe auf Daten aus dem eigenen Netz oder durch Personen, die sich im Unternehmen aufhalten. Netzwerksicherheit bekommt somit eine neue Facette, denn mit unserer Lösung können Sie auch interne Datenströme kontrollieren und sichern.

Sehr gerne sprechen wir mit Ihnen über die Möglichkeit, Ihren Internetverkehr zu monitoren, um eventuelle Bedrohungen zu erkennen und Gegenmaßnahmen zu treffen.

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